2008年10月14日 星期二


Each row corresponds to a specific muscle, label from a to f. Naturally, there are many more muscles involved in the speech act, just as an utterance consists usually of more than six speech sounds. This is merely a schema. A plus sign means contraction, zero means relaxation. If we assume silence and relaxation of all muscles before and after the production of each sound (for the sake of discussion), the matrix indicates that in order to produce soundⅠit will be necessary to contract muscles a, c, d, and e, for sound Ⅱ muscles a, b, c, f, etc.每一列對應到一個特定的肌肉,標記從a到f。當然有更多肌肉涉及了說話的動作,就如同說話通常是由多於六個語音組成。這只是一個圖式。加號意指收縮,0意指舒張。如果我們假設在每一個語音產出之前與之後,所有的肌肉是舒張的話(為了討論的需要),那麼這個矩陣指出,為了要發出soundⅠ,必須要收縮肌肉a,c,d和e,要發出sound Ⅱ,必須收縮肌肉a,b,c,f,以此類推。
If the respective muscles are to be ready to contract simultaneously, that is, the motor action is to come in time to produce a given sound, impulses to some of the muscles will have to be fired earlier than others. Suppose we grouped all muscles into classes, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, in accordance with the time it takes impulses to reach them from the brain stem; the alpha class of muscles has an activation latency that is four time as long as the delta class, and beta and gamma three and two times as long respectively. *This is the operation performed in Fig. 3. 11. Since the activation latency is constant for each muscle, all entries in a given row in Fig. 3.10 are equally affected by it. The classification of muscles in Fig. 3.11 allows us to rearrange the entries of Fig. 3.10 in such a way as to show which muscular event must occur at which point in time (assuming equal duration of all sounds). All we need to do is to shift each row leftward by a given factor, and now we have a matrix in which the columns are consecutive time segments. This matrix indicates that if a string of sounds I to VI is to be produced consecutively and if the muscles fall into latency classes as shown to the left of the matrix, then the first neuronal event to occur is the firing of impulses for contraction of muscle e during time segment 1; the next event during time segment 2, is contraction of muscles b and c, but relaxation of e. During the following time segment, muscles b, c, d, and e must be contracted, but not f; and so forth down the dimension of time, that is, down the columns from left to right.
如果個別的肌肉必須要準備好同時收縮,也就是說運動活動(motor action)要及時產出一個特定的語音,流向某些肌肉的神經衝動得要較早發出。假諾我們把所有肌肉按照神經衝動到達它們的時間分組為alpha, beta, gamma, delta四組,alpha組的肌肉激活延遲所需時間四倍於delta組,而beta組和gamma組個自為三倍和兩倍。這是圖3.1呈現的作用。因為激活延遲對於每個肌肉是恒定的,所以會相同地影響特定一列的全部項目。圖3.11中的肌肉分類讓我們得以重新安排圖3.10來表明在哪個時點上,哪個肌肉事件必定會出現(假設所有語音有相同的長度)。我們只需要把每一列往左移動特定的數量,於是我們就有了一個矩陣,在這之中欄位是連續的時間區塊。這個矩陣指出,如果要連續地發出一串從I to VI的語音,同時,如果涉及的肌肉在延遲分類落內矩陣的左端,那麼將發生的第一個神經事件是在時間區塊1發出肌肉e收縮的神經衝動;在時間區塊2發生的下一個事件是是肌肉b和c的收縮,但肌肉e舒張了。在接下來的時間區塊當中肌肉b,c,d和必須收縮,但f不需要;在時間面向上以此類推,也就是說,自左至右窮盡每一欄。
Recognition of syntactic patterns cannot be accomplished on basis of probability statistics (Chomsky and Miller, 1963; Chomsky 1963; Miller and Chomsky, 1963). The rules that underly syntax (which are the same for understanding and speaking) are of a very specific kind, and unless man or mechanical devices do their processing of incoming sentences in accordance with these rules, the logical, formal, analysis of the input will be deficient, resulting in incorrect or random responses. When we say rules must have been built into the grammatical analyzer, we impute the existence of an apparatus with specific structure properties or, in other words, a spectic internal organization.辨示句法樣式不能以機率統計為基礎而達成(Chomsky and Miller, 1963; Chomsky 1963; Miller and Chomsky, 1963),構成句法之基礎的規則(和用來理解和說話的規則相同)屬於一種非常特定的規則,除非人類或者是機械儀器按照這些規則來處理接收到的句子,對於這些輸入的邏輯、形式的分析將會是不足的,因而導致不正確或者隨機的反應。當我們說規則必須內建於語法分析器時,我們設想存在一個器官,它具有特定結構的特性,或者換言之,具有特定的內在組織。In a certain sense all organisms are self-organizing systems. And, therefore, the question that faces us is, “What is the degree of freedom with which the specific organization necessary for language processing comes into being.” If the freedom were unlimited, the nature of man would unlimited in its capacities. This must be rejected for obvious reasons. There is no other organism with unlimited capacities and we no longer believe that man is different from other creatures in such fundamental ways. In fact, there is no possible way in which we could think of a device, natural or artificial, that is free from all structural limitations. At best we may assume that a certain mechanism has the capacity to organize itself in more than one way (that is, depending on certain conditions of input, it may eventually be operating in any one of a number of possible modes). This formulation makes it clear that in any case we must assume a biological matrix with specifiable characteristics that determines the outcome of any treatment to which the organism is subjected. Thus the search for innate properties is well within the scope biological inquiry.在某種意義上,所有的有機體都是自我組織的系統。於是,我們面對的問題就是,”一個特定的組織得要有什麼樣的自由度,才能夠處理語言。”如果這項自由度沒有設限的話,那麼人類的天性會有無限的能力。這種情形基於一些很明顯的理由會被駁斥。世上沒有其他有機體具有無限制的能力,而我們也不再相信人類和其他生物有什麼根本上的不同。事實上,我們找不到可能的方法去設想出一個裝置能夠免於所有結構上的限制,無論其屬於自然或人工的。我們最多只能推想有某種機制,它有能力以不只一種方式來組織自己(也就是說,根據某些輸入的條件,它最終會以許多可能模式中的一種來運作)。這個構想說明了,在任何情況下,我們都必須假設有一個生物學的矩陣,它具有可加以特定的特徵,而這樣的特徵可以決定有機物所受的任何遭遇會有何結果。於是,對於內在能力的探索是包含在生物學研究的範圍之內。
