2009年1月30日 星期五


Herman Paul (1846-1921) devotes only very little space to language capacity in his “Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte,” written in 1880. His formulation is of interest in that he considers language “a product of human culture…(but…the psychological element is the most important factor in all changes of culture…psychology…the principal basis of all…sciences dealing with culture” [98]. For a psychology he utilized Steinthal’s work.
Herman Paul (1846-1921)在其寫於1880的“Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte,”一書中,只用了很少的篇幅來探討語言能力。他的構想有趣,這在於他認為語言是”人類文化的一項產物…(但是…心理成分在所有文化的改變之中是最重要的因素…心理學…是所有處理文化的科學的…主要基礎。The study of cultures flourished with the development of anthropology. Linguists had advanced beyond the early nineteenth century philologists’ preoccupation with grammars and dictionaries, and had directed their attention to spoken language as the expression of a society or culture [99]. 24 In this task they had the aid of anthropologists who shared their interest in languages. This development served to reinforce the tendency to consider linguistics as a social science, and concern with the psychological and biological basis of language receded into the background. Linguists may have welcomed this development, for concern with the biological basis of language might have meant a return to the fruitless arguments about language origin which they just overcome.對於文化的研究隨著人類學的發展而興盛。語言學家的進展已超越了十九世紀早期語文學家對語法和字典的熱愛,而已將他們的注意力放在作為文化或社會的表達的口說語言[99] 24 在此項任務中,他們擁有來自人類學家的幫助,人類學家也和語言學家一樣對語言有興趣。這樣的發展促使了把語言學看作一個社會科學的傾向,而對於語言心理和生物基礎的關注退居二線。語言學家也許會樂見這樣的發展,因為對於語言生物基礎的關注可能意指著回到有關語言起源沒有結果的爭論,而這正是他們剛跨越的。That the return to metaphysical arguments would not be essential was demonstrated by Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1900) in his “Grundzeuge der Physiologischen Psychologie” published in 1873. He proposed a scientific approach in which “Psychological psychology would examine the internal and external condition under which language, as the highest form of expression of human life, comes about. Comparative linguistics and Voelkerpsychology would describe the laws of subsequent development of language, and its influence on the thinking of the individual and of society” [100].
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1900)在他出版於1873的“Grundzeuge der Physiologischen Psychologie”一書中指出,回歸形上學的爭論不會是最要緊的事。他提出了一個科學方法,在這個方法中:生理心理學會檢視一些內部和外部條件,在這些條件下,作為人類生活中最高的表達形式的語言,誕生了。比較語言學家和民族心理學會描述語言後續發展的法則,以及語言對於個人和社會思維的影響。
But for some time to come, the psychology which Wundt helped to found was not able to approach the task proposed by him. Physiology was in its beginnings and, as Kussmaul had pointed out, its methods were still uncertain. Freud had shown that most of language physiology had been the translation of introspective psychology into physiological terms. Language capacity was of little interest to linguistics at the end of the nineteenth century. The subsequent development of psychology, physiology, and linguistics belongs to the twentieth century and extends into our own time. With great progress in all three fields, which has led to new concepts, methods, and findings, the scientific examination of the biological basis of language appears to be a challenging necessity.然而在後來的某個時期,Wundt所協助建立的心理學無法處理他所提出的任務。如同Kussmaul指出,心理學當時仍處於其開端,其方法尚未確立。Freud已指出語言生理學的大部分是把內省心理學以生理學術語翻譯而來。在十九世紀末,語言能力不太能引起語言學家的興趣。心理學、生理學和語言學的後續發展是發生在二十世紀,並且持續到我們的時代。隨著這三個領域的重大進展,新的概念、方法和發現被引進,對於語言生物基礎做科學的檢視成了一項具挑戰性的必然。
