2008年10月28日 星期二

LBT 26 伊津

The same is true of species-specific behavior. The form of spinnerets with their glands does not give any clue to the type of web a spider wives. From the beaver’s anatomy we could not have guessed that he builds dams. The architecture of a birds nest is, in most instances, unrelated to the animal’s morphology. Thus, types of behavior which no one would hesitate to call essentially biologically given are not determined simply by the animal’s form.對物種特有的行為而言也是如此,蜘蛛吐絲器以及其腺體的形式對蛛網的類型

The reverse is true also. Certain morphological distinctions may exist between species which do not correspond to clearly related behavioral differences. The outer ear in primates is an example (see Fig. 1.2). With the exception of some specialized ear forms of certain prosimians, the auricles of primates developed in a number of directions that have no obvious adaptive value (to the human observer) and no relevance to any of the behavioral characteristics that distinguish these species.

It is clear, therefore, that neither our conviction that tissues and behavior constitute an organismic unity because of their common developmental history nor the established fact that genetic changes and speciation always affect form as well as function makes it necessary to assume a correlation between specialized organs and species-specific behavior. There are many types of instinctive behavior which have no structural correlates; and there are many structural distinctions between species which have no behavioral correlates. Thus there is necessarily a historical but not necessarily a casual relationship between gross structure and over-all behavior pattern. This point is important because it emphasizes once more the difficulty, if not complete impossibility, of setting up common sense criteria for the distinction between innate and acquired types of behavior.
