2008年10月14日 星期二


Lashley was aware of the physiological nature of the problem and discussed it in considerable detail. He advanced an argument against chain association which has been referred to frequently but which, by itself, could be explained away by proposing certain theoretical constructs. He argued that the motor events in certain fast skills, such as playing the piano or snapping the fingers, follow one another at such a fast rate that there would be no time for neural messages to go from the periphery to the brain and there elicit the next response. From Table 3.4 we may deduce that this argument also holds to a certain extent for the rate of speech movements. But auditory feedback greatly speeds up reafferentation and thus minimizes the time problem even though it does not eliminate it. Theoretically, however, this aspect of the problem is not unsurmountable if we assume, as we believe mediation theory does, that the sequential association is between events entirely contained within the brain. Suppose nervous event A triggered nervous event B, both in the cortex of the left hemisphere; now the conduction time between these cortical events would be negligible. This assumption is neurologically naïve (see Chapter Five) and it also does not overcome other, more fundamental objections to the associational model, namely to explain every speaker’s ability to anticipate events yet to come.
We may illustrate the problem in this way: let us think of a speech act (such as repeating any given word) as an assembly of four distinct processes as shown in Fig. 3.9. In the first process acoustic energy variations are received and analyzed into language-function units called phonemes. The details of this process need not concern us here. In the second process an inventory is made of all the muscle which enter into the production of each speech sound. (These processes are, of course, not “real physiological events” but theoretical stages that help us visualize the complications of speech production.) A more detailed diagram of the second process is shown in Fig. 3.10. Each column represents one speech sound.
